Working Principles of Manual Candle Making Machines
I. Machine Structure A manual candle machine consists of 4 basic parts: Candle Moulds, Water Tank, Candle Releasing and Lifting Mechanism and Machine Frame (Picture 1).
Picture 1 (Structure of Manual Candle Making Machines)
II. Working Principles
Manual Candle Making Machine, also called as Pouring-type Candle Machine or Candle Molding Machine. It does not need power supply.
Each manual candle machine has a number of built-in candle molds. For making candles, firstly the wax (paraffin wax, palm wax or stearic acid, Click Here for details) is to be melted in a Wax Melter(Clieck Here for details). Then the melted wax is poured into the moulds of the machine. Hot wax in the moulds is cooled down by the Cooling Water Circulating System (Click Here for details), and turns back to solid within 10-30 minutes. When the wax is fully solidified, the candles are finished.
A. The wax is melted into liquid by a Wax Melter, and poured into the candle moulds (Picture 2),
Picture 2 (Pouring Melting Wax into the Candle Moulds) Picture 3 (Wax is Cooled Down)
B. The melted wax is cooled down by the cooling water circulating in the water tank, and turns back to solid (Picture 3),
C. After the wax is fully solidified, the candles can be released and lifted out of the moulds. (Picture 4).
Picture 4 (Candles being Released and Lifted out of the Candle Machine)